
Heart-Device Hacking Risks SeenWSJ.com)

Millions of Americans have pacemakers, which keeps hearts beating regularly, or an implanted defibrillator, which can restart stopped hearts with an electric jolt. After implanting a defibrillator under a patient's skin, a doctor uses a special device, about the size of a breadbox, to tell the defibrillator what to do -- for example, to instruct it to keep the heart beating at a certain rate or deliver a test jolt.

The devices, called programmers, communicate with a defibrillator using radio waves. To prevent tampering, only physicians are allowed to buy one from the manufacturers -- Medtronic Inc., Boston Scientific Corp., and St. Jude Medical Inc.

But hackers could transmit the same radio signals -- causing a defibrillator to shock or shut down, or divulge a patient's medical information -- without needing a programmer, researchers found in a laboratory test of one model from Medtronic.

The study, to be presented at a California computer-security conference in May, suggests manufacturers should consider how to stop unauthorized people from tampering with implanted medical devices that receive instructions via radio waves, a growing category that also includes spinal-cord stimulators and drug-delivery pumps.

この記事に話を戻しますと、とはいえいくつかあるProgrammerメーカーでも、現在違法な操作が可能と判明したのはMedtronic社製のものだけ。同じメーカーのBoston Scientific社は「信号は暗号化されており、ハッキングされるリスクは低い」と話し、くだんのMedtronic社は「機能が徐々に洗練され、第三者が勝手に操作するリスクは低い。パスワードを設定するなどセキュリティを強化しすぎると、医者が緊急時に即座に使うことができなくなってしまう」といった内容の返答をしています。……ちょっとダメな匂いが漂ってますね。

The study is the latest in a series that have found flaws in the security of wireless-communication systems -- from remote-control car keys, to Bluetooth telephone headsets, to the Wi-Fi technology used to connect to the Internet, to radio-frequency credit cards that can be "tapped" to make payments.
